Himalaya Television
Feel the next generation
Full name
Age* Your email
Mobile Number
Office Number
City* Please List all the co-founders of your business* Province*
Name of the Company*
Product or Service Name*
Website or Social Media Profile*
Please describe your business ventures in brief*
Have you already raised investment for your business?* NoYes
How much investment have you raised already from other investors?*
What % of your business do you own?*
How much money has already been invested in your business?*
Are you working full time in the business you are going to pitch for?* NoYes
How much investment are you seeking from the sharks and for what % of equity?*
What sales have you made so far in the last or this fiscal year?*
What inspired you to start the business?*
Please upload the company registration certificate* (Max file size: 8MB | Allowed format: .jpg, .png, .pdf)
Please upload the citizenship of major stakeholder Founder (Max file size: 8MB | Allowed format: .jpg, .png, .pdf)
Please upload (if you have other co-founders) (Max file size: 8MB | Allowed format: .jpg, .png, .pdf)